
Bangladesh is a low-lying riverine country along with vast Bay of Bengal sea basin in south. The country has modest weather however; the rapid climate changes become impact the ecological imbalance. Once this region was naturally available of pure surface water. In rare cases the country affected by floods, tornadoes and cyclones etc. Unfortunately, the surface water become polluted thus resulted the epidemics like outbreak of cholera. Late sixties the authorities suggested to drink ground water an introduce tube well in order to eradicate the epidemics.

After the formation of Bangladesh, India built a world largest dam Called Farakkah in the Ganges River the natural flow of water diverted and low land of Bangladesh become desert land. Shortage of water, a vast area out of cultivation and all water ways under intervention. On going building the dams by India thus blocked fifty four rivers until now.
At present even in rainy season rain fall become in reduce level as well the flowing lowest river water the wetland is significantly reducing and the rice transplant highly decreasing. Likewise, every year it has been affecting our Biodiversity, forest, aquatic population ,birds, reptiles, mammals, aquatic plants, weeds, shrubs etc.
Meantime, using abundant quantities of ground water in day to day purposes the ground surface has been diminishing moreover, the extraction ground water polluted with arsenic thus affected on food chain and using contaminated water forming in human health the deadly diseases like cancer, kidney and liver failure etc.
Meantime, using abundant quantities of ground water in day to day purposes the ground surface has been diminishing moreover, the extraction ground water polluted with arsenic thus affected on food chain and using contaminated water forming in human health the deadly diseases like cancer, kidney and liver failure etc.

Bangladesh is a world highest densely populated nation and according to size of population the land is tremendously limited. The city is overpopulated and ongoing demand of ground water consumption soaring as a result the extraction of ground water level decreasing dramatically. It is estimated that ground water level declining around three meter each year. The geologists are predicted that the earthquake is impending if the ground water consuming any region in recurrence forms.

The salinity is increasing in seashore region because of improper dams built by India The Bangladesh famous Sundarban largest mangrove region has already affected and near future the outright flora and fauna will be wipe out. The southern part, Khulna Division now many diseases prevalent due to salinity.

To increase the natural disaster in all corner Bangladesh the government of India is further begun to make new dam tipaimukh and it will affect upon the rivers like Shurma, Kushiara, Meghna and our great River Brahmaputra included devastate the surrounding nature and organisms.

In around Capital city Dhaka the entire surface water in lakes and rivers like Buriganga, Chitolakhkha are polluted according to WHO Dhaka report saying, the city water is not fit for potable and household purposes.