Overview Of Bangladesh

The World's eighth most populous nation, Bangladesh is bisected by the Tropic of Cancer. Its coastline borders the Bay of Bangal and there are land borders with India and Myanmar.
Geologically Bangladesh is a delta formed from 230 rivers including the Padma (Ganges), Jamuna (Brahmaputra) and the Meghna.80% of the total population are settled in rural areas. Road and water transport are the main means of travel and there ia a well developed air services.As a result of the many rivers and regular flooding in rural areas most roads are built on embankments with a large number of bridges, culverts and ferries.With a population of almost 120 million,Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries in the world.

A staggering 16 percent of children under the age of 5 are acutely undernourished, and one in four women of reproductive age is too thin for her height. About one third of adolescent girls in Bangladesh suffer from anemia and micronutrient deficiency. With more than two in three girls married before the age of 18, the risk of early pregnancy and giving birth to a baby that weighs too little is very high. Currently, more than one in five newborns have a low birth weight.
Poverty and undernutrition hinder children’s access to education and ability to learn, and the lack of education has a significant impact on the nutrition status of the next generation. Children of mothers with no education are more than twice as likely to be stunted (51 percent) as children of mothers who have completed secondary and higher education (23 percent).
